NIÑO / NIÑA - C2078280
"We’d love to organize a cultural, immersive experience for our 17 year old daughter. She has a passion to travel & improve her language skills. " Traducir
Miembro: Tracey Elizabeth (Liz) para el niño/la niña Isabella
Idioma hablado en el hogar: Inglés
Sexo: Chica
Edad: 18
Idioma meta: Español
Preferencia: Estancia de pago
Duración de la estancia: 1 semana a 2 meses
Idiomas extranjeros que hablamos:
Control de seguridad realizado
No se han suministrado credenciales.

Nuestra familia


Tracey Elizabeth (Liz)
Reino Unido

El niño

Niño que participa en el proyecto

Reino Unido

Idiomas meta

B2-AVANZADO: autónomo en las situaciones de la vida corriente


Seguro(a) de ti mismo(a)

Música favorita


Experiencia de viajes

Ya ha viajado al extranjero.
Ya ha viajado solo/a.


Artes y manualidades
Juegos de mesa y cartas
Cuidado de animales
Excursiones culturales
Música (escuchar)
Música (interpretación)
Excursiones en la naturaleza
Ir de compras
Deporte: baloncesto
Deporte: montar a caballo
Deporte: correr
Deporte: voleibol
Miembro desde: 01/07/2024
Número de evaluaciones: 0
Valoración media: No corresponde
"Izzy shines when given the chance to try something new and meet new people. She’d love to immerse herself in a new culture and develop further language skills by spending time living with a host family in another country. She is looking to study linguistics at college, with a particular focus on children and speech therapy.
Working with children runs in the family. I studied elementary education at college and continued to teach in the UK until we moved to the USA (6 years ago). Here I am self employed , working as a dog walker/sitter.
Izzy’s father works in New York City as a Chief Financial Officer for an accessories brand.
We are a family of four, originally from the Uk but are now permanent residents of the United States-currently living in a suburb in New Jersey. Izzy is the eldest child; her younger brother is 15 and attends the same high school. They both love singing and will be performing in the same choir in September. They are both doing very well academically and both enjoy learning Spanish at school. Izzy has one year remaining before college but already drives her own car, has a weekend job, and is very independent and mature. She has accepted a job working with children (towards the end of the summer) in a gymnastics school, teaching 3 and 4 year olds gymnastic skills. She is also interested in drama- having performed in school plays and musicals for the last 4 years.
She loves fashion: she has modeled in New York fashion week and has appeared on a billboard in Times Square!
She is modest though and does not often share that fact!
As parents, we really enjoy the company of Izzy and her brother: they are good fun; like to laugh a lot and are both very friendly and caring.

As a family, we love to travel; this is actually our 8th family home! We love going on family hikes, watching movies, playing board games, spending time with animals and thrifting for bargains!

Izzy loves all sports- watching and playing. We are big football fans, though, being American residents now, we have learned to call it soccer!! We like to go to baseball, ice hockey and American football games! We also like to see live concerts - we all like a wide variety of music styles. "