Not so long ago, we received an email from a parent seeking information on language exchanges. Here it is – with our response – for the benefit of the wider lingoo.com community.
Dear Lingoo. In the midst of researching language exchanges for my teenaged son, I find myself on your website on a fact-finding mission. The greatest challenge I have is that I have set the bar high myself!
At the age of 15 I agreed to start corresponding with a Spanish penfriend (note the pre-digital term!), unsuspecting that this seemingly minor decision would have a major influence on my life. Airmail letters accrued and soon enough exchange visits were agreed between parents. I was very fortunate - the whole thing, return leg included, went like clockwork. It not only gave me exposure to real Spanish (better accent, vocab, confidence) but undoubtedly put me on a lifelong pathway, as Spanish later became the focus of my studies and career.
I appreciate that apps, podcasts etc. can help my son make progress in languages but I’m not convinced that these can replace the real thing. We’re considering a school exchange and I’m wondering how this might compare to the immersive type such as the one I did. Please could you pinpoint the value that a Lingoo immersive exchange could add?
And our response…
There is little point in us waxing lyrical about the benefits of language exchange (as you have ‘been there and done that’ to great effect!) and realistically, whatever type you choose, your son will no doubt return having gained valuable life skills. However, there are many differences between school exchanges and immersive exchanges. Besides the fact that school exchanges may be at risk of being phased out (less than one in three state schools currently offer exchanges on account of squeezed education budgets), here are some considerations:
1. Going it alone
Bear in mind that if your son goes on a school exchange, he will inevitably spend most of his time with his friends, whereas ‘going immersive’ means he is likely to spend maximum time with his hosts. Young people tend to be less self-conscious and distracted when their peers aren’t around!
2. Language progress
‘Going immersive’ may take a bit more nerve than going on a school exchange but for the sake of making language progress, it’s worth taking that step out of comfort zone: kids are like sponges so when they are surrounded by a second language 24/7, for several consecutive days, the progress literally speaks for itself.
3. The agenda…
On a school exchange, your child is likely to visit places of interest (and buy the same fast food they would at home!) while their exchange partners are at school. Great to have this opportunity but a more authentic experience can be gained by being with the partner and family while they go about their normal routine in the natural cultural context.
4. Peace of mind
The pot-luck approach simply doesn’t cut it in the 21st century! There doesn’t seem to be an ideal security system in place for schools. (Some ask parents to complete formal paperwork such as DBS checks yet there is no equivalent of this in Europe.) Our members find reassurance in our security measures; all new users pass through a formal process whereby their identity documents and proofs of address are verified by our validation team.
5. The right partner
On a school exchange, the two schools will put their heads together to decide who partners whom (and of course, it wouldn’t be practical to involve parents/students in this decision-making). Lingoo.com on the other hand puts you firmly in the driving seat. By optimising our search facilities and internal messaging system, you decide who you want your child to stay with.
7. Choice of location
With lingoo.com, you are not bound to the location of your twinned school. We offer a huge choice of locations so you can tailor-make your child’s exchange experience according to your wish-list.
We hope that answers your question. We might be biased but our case studies do seem to speak for themselves. One parting thought… lingoo.com exchanges are not exclusive to school-age kids; whatever your age, you can exchange! We hope to welcome you to the lingoo.com community soon.