Culture shock is quite simply the emotions arising from moving from familiar surroundings to unfamiliar surroundings. An unfamiliar climate, new foods, different ways of dressing, new language and differences in behaviours or etiquette in a new culture will likely, at times, have you feeling overwhelmed, disorientated, vulnerable and maybe even anxious or lonely.
But it will pass and there are lots of things you can do to prepare for and combat it, here’s our top tips for dealing with culture shock during your homestay.
Understand That It Is Normal
Recognise that what you’re feeling isn’t unusual. In fact it’s unusual not to experience culture shock. When you first arrive at your homestay you may be tired or even jet lagged from travelling which will only amplify differences in your new surroundings. So try not to dwell on any uncomfortable feelings, instead focus on the exciting experiences you have planned.
Take Familiar Things With You
Something that will help you settle into your homestay is taking some familiar things with you from home. For example photographs of loved ones or your favourite snacks. In may also be helpful to try and create a similar routine while you are acclimatising to your new environment. If you usually get up early and exercise or routinely read a book before bed, do the same.
Keep In Touch With Home
Checking in with positive and supportive family and friends at home will also help ease any culture shock that you’re experiencing. It doesn’t have to be an hour long, in depth conversation. Just a quick message with someone who knows you well will help relieve any anxieties you are feeling about your new adventure.
Talk To Your Host Family
One of the best things you can do to deal with culture shock is to chat honestly with your host family about how you are feeling. They will understand completely that things are unfamiliar for you and are experienced at having guests stay with them from all kinds of different cultures around the world. Building a support network with them straight away will help tremendously.
Research The New Culture
Before you head off on your adventure, find out about what you should expect. Your hosts will be an excellent resource for this but also seek out others who have been to the country. Are there certain clothes that you should take with you? What kind of food is there? What will the weather be like? What is the currency? Learn as much as you can.
Start Speaking Straight Away
Starting to speak the language immediately will also help with the transition period, and although you may feel nervous about it, there’s no better way to adjust and fit in. Whether you are a new language learner or have been studying for some time, your host family are there to support you.
You will no doubt have a few wobbles, however you will gradually adapt to your new surroundings and see any culture shock that you have experienced in a positive light.
After all, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and increasing your confidence and independence can only ever be a good thing.
Learn more about how you can experience a different culture and find the perfect homestay here.